Monday, December 1, 2008

Slumdog Millionaire

Directed by Danny Boyle.  

Picture this - a young boy named Jamal Malik sits in the hot seat of India's 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'.  Rupees and love are on the line.  The questions serve as a table of contents to the young boy's life.  In it we learn about his hardship growing in Mumbai starting at the bottom of the bottom - and we see how destiny brings him to this point.  He's been a lucky boy. 

Although the film is not incredibly surprising, it gives the viewer a chance to see presence of the strong caste system in the emerging country, India.  Films like these are valuable in that the viewer gets a chance to see the day to day lives of developing countries poor folk without feeling the full on guilt one gets from stumbling across a World Vision infomercial.  

The film is generally quite good.  Dare I say that - I wouldn't be surprised if this were somehow nominated for some Oscar? 

P.S. The Bollywood dancing in the credits at the train station kicks arse.

1 comment:

genevieve said...

dude i just watched this movie today. i really enjoyed it!!!