Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tomorrow, We Make Real Plans For Alpacas.

Tomorrow is Phil and my deadline for booking tickets to our long awaited Peru. Yes, we are going there mostly for the famed Machu Picchu (MP). We will be taking a 4 day Inca trail to MP.  Apart of me also wonders whether I will be strong enough to take on high altitude without the "horns going into my head" sensation as described by a recent traveler. This is altogether a different trip than what I am used to as I will not be surounded by buildings, and cute cafes. I will infact go hiking for 4 days without a shower - can't wait for the challenge!

Just looking at this picture makes me want something made of Alpaca fur.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pain Epi

Acme Bread Co's "Pain Epi" is a baguette made to create bliss. The texture is great - I can't explain why I love this bread! I'm just going to have to compose myself next time I eat a whole baguette by myself... I'm also overjoyed to say that there is a location in Mountain View just about a mile from where I reside during the 8-5.

Phil and I were having a cheese date last Friday consisting of: a fuji apple stolen from work, some 'Gloucester' cheese with chives, Double cream brie, Manchego (yes, the beloved cheese), and some Chilean red. Anyhow, the night before I had urged Phil to pick up a baguette from the Ferry building. Not only did I think it nice to have a baguette with the tres cheese but I also considered the image of Phil running down Mission Street to the Transbay bus terminal with baguette in arm pit amusing and adorable. Any how, the story ends there - and Pain Epi and I lived happily ever after...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Romancing in January

I've always been a big fan of melancholy melodic love songs. This Esther Phillips song is no exception! This song was introduced to me via Track 15 on mixed cd: "Nothing Serious 4" per my cool cat friend at work.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Gregg Suspension Lamp

Imagine spacing out on this beauty at the dining table!  This pendant lamp has been on my list of must haves for the home of my very own since my first trip to Portland early 2008.  I would describe this as weightless, organically shaped, clean and yes the modern whimsical.  I hope it's around for a very long time.  I also believe it would co-exits peacefully with a set of four salt chairs seen below...

Oh - furniture!  

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jubilee on The Shores Of Alabama

This afternoon while executing a very rote and monotonous task at the 9-5 - I had the chance to listen to an archived 'This American Life'.  Though I don't really recall the general overarching theme - in one of their acts,  I did learn about the jubilee phenomena on the shores of Alabama.  Simply said a jubilee occurs when  ocean dwelling creatures adorned with shell and scales wash up to shore in multitudes and multitudes.  This happens at random on summer days - some people even camp out at night waiting for a jubilees to occur.   What I find so interesting about it is that the people who live by these shores are fortunate -  they realize that jubilees occur yet they live with the mystery of when it occurs.  Reality has set in, I doubt I will ever see experience a jubilee.  It's too bad I don't have a summer to kill in Alabama.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Jockey Helmet

Now that I ended up acquiring the Huffy, should I pick up one of these new bike helmets for my safety and protection?  Rather than wearing the classic turtle shell helmet from my childhood days - this one looks much more like what Jockeys wear - I can go Equine!  

Well, I'm actually waiting to acquire a bicycle rear rack and then maybe a rad headlight.  The accessorizing stops there...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

"Every 24 Days..."

Jumble and confused on ash-fault.   Is it so bad that I don't really have a career and I'm kind of just hanging in there?  My utmost objective now is trying to make okay money to save for a house in 2009 without having to sacrifice time outside of work.  Will I ever become a "career person"?  One who advances year to year taking on more and more responsibility?  I thought I was going to be that kind of person.  The problem is nothing really appeals to me.  Is this something in life I just have to accept?  Is this part of being an adult?  I would get a second degree if I just knew --- but what for?  I mean what do I want?  These emotions hang over me as I move through my day to day. Who in this world is happy and satisfied - I would like to know their secret.  

Apparently,  according to the brother's observations - these emotions afflict me every 24 days...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"Mauled" Wine & Pizza

I had a great evening with my friend G this past Friday.  We made my first pizza ever containing quintessentials including - Trader Joe's garlic seasoned dough, prosciutto,  Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, Mozzarella string cheese, basil, tomato sauce and onions. I am very excited to try making pizza again - though note to self - when spreading the dough out on to the pizza pan use a handful of patience and a rolling pin. I have a whole string of future pizzas ready to be made - I'm sure these future pizzas can be a tribute to the variety of pizzas I have devoured in recent years. Here is a short-list of ideas: Feta-corn-basil,  Pesto-basil, Prosuitto-egg (egg baked on top of the pizza at the minute), Manchego-corn, Sliced Tomato-fresh slices of mozzarella-basil, Mushroom (inclusive of  3 varieties of mushrooms )-cilantro.  

Along with our scrumptious pizza we made mulled wine which included the likes of a bottle of the two buck chuck, 2 cinnamon sticks, cloves, orange zest, lemon zest, one juiced orange, 2 tablespoons of honey and a small individual bottle of Martinelli's apple cider courtesy of the Linked-In kitchen.  The wine came out nicely - My only annoyance came from the total of 5 -7 cloves that mysteriously floating in my mug throughout the course of the night. 

I just wanted to thank G for the good times shared at her home a many multiple times in 2008 as I was going through my quarter-life crisis.  I learned that we can sometimes take a step away from the stress of life's questions, kick back and enjoy silly times.  With those silly times, serious pieces of conversation are sprinkled about.  All I want to say to G is: Best wishes in the next 4 months!  You are a rare bird!  Don't compare yourself to anyone ...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Vintage Materialism

For the past year I have been in search for an amazing transistor radio* - with it I can play Top 40 bliss and NPR.  I have also mildly been yearning for vintage bike** - one with chrome fenders, a slender physique and a brown Brooke saddle.  I am a material girl in the vintage sense.

* This past Sunday, I acquired a transistor radio for an unheard of $3 dollars.  The radio is an Aircastle 13 Transitor - I am extremely unsure of when it was made - I suspect it was made in the 1970's.  The risk in my purchase lay in the question of whether the radio worked or not.  To my glee and satisfaction, the radio worked swimmingly - when 4 type C batteries were shoved in the very night of acquisition.  I have yet to find an AC Adapter appropriate for the radio - as I have already consulted with the Radio Shack Doctor who tried 3 different adapters in the shop. The journey continues.

**On the vintage bike front, I have been looking to the very friendly bike shop, Manifesto Bicycles in North Oakland for insight and test runs.  I have limited preference in bike brands to - Raleighs (English) and Peugeots (French) .  Having high standards is impractical especially when my height is on the low end of the average female American scale.  I think I might just settle with a Schwinn.  Then again - I must admit this quick shot of a Huffy isn't half bad.  

(Update: I lost the weight contest by 2 lbs - Congrats MC! I fought the good fight but did not fight to the finish...)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Weigh In Day After 6 Mos

Nice IKEA scale, cheap too.  Today is judgement day as my friend (MC) and I will be doing the official weigh-in.  A small competition had ensued in June 2008 - where it was decided that whomever lost the most % of body weight would win one of two things.  For MC - she would win a 3 course meal crafted and executed by the hands of yours truly.  For me - I would get my personally coveted Benefit Benetint (a cosmetic staining elixir  dabbed on cheeks for ultimate rosy glow).

As I reflect on the past few months - in my conversations with my enemy - I have concluded that both parties have different strengths.  MC has the control of limiting intake whereas I may have been more consistent with exercise.  Btw, as a last stitch effort - I ran off 550 calories this morning to counter the tuna casserole, 1/2 bar of fruit and nut Cadbury bar, and the lack of cardio I have done in the past two weeks...In any event, regardless of who wins - we will be enjoying some greasy Poutine (Beef gravy on French fried potatoes and cheese curds) at the nearby 'O My Dog' establishment nearby... Let's look on the bright side - if I lose I can sharpen my cooking skills ...