Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tomorrow, We Make Real Plans For Alpacas.

Tomorrow is Phil and my deadline for booking tickets to our long awaited Peru. Yes, we are going there mostly for the famed Machu Picchu (MP). We will be taking a 4 day Inca trail to MP.  Apart of me also wonders whether I will be strong enough to take on high altitude without the "horns going into my head" sensation as described by a recent traveler. This is altogether a different trip than what I am used to as I will not be surounded by buildings, and cute cafes. I will infact go hiking for 4 days without a shower - can't wait for the challenge!

Just looking at this picture makes me want something made of Alpaca fur.

1 comment:

genevieve said...

haha dude, your alpaca pic was on sfgate! poor alpacas! don't take their fur! re: altitude sickness, kathy (who studied abroad in peru) told me there's a medicine you can take for it so you can feel good as new. one of the professors at our school did her dissertation on indigenous literacies in peru. i wonder if you'll be able to hear quechua being spoken!