Monday, March 16, 2009

Considerations and Camilia

Dude. I'm thinking of taking the CPA exam again. Arg. I kind of feel like I should be making better use of my time in the evenings. I don't know just how the CPA exam will benefit me - the only thing that it may help me with is opening doors to the corporate world. I secretly despise the cubicle existence. I'm gonna talk to people and get their two cents. If I do end up getting it, I should certainly try to add up the hours and money used to arrive there. Is it at all worth it? Wish I could figure out what I was good at and take the leap of faith and plunge. Hmm ... another thing to chew on - I'm still young - do I really need a house? Should I get out of my physical comfort zone and pursue something geographically new? I'm still young yet I envy those that are just beginning their college experiences and even come to envy babies that have a completely new life ahead of them. Someone help!

Meanwhile, I'm genuinely fortunate to have superficial things to distract me such as the Camilla flower bush I discovered in our front yard! Single flowers in small glass Trader Joe Corn Salsa jars rock! Wish I could up and leave but where else am I going to find Camilla bushes?

1 comment:

mademoiselle rhodora said...

telephoner moi, sil vous plait Mlle Melody