Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My teeth be shiftin'

...time to break out my 8th grade retainers and enforce the 8 0'clock curfew as in my teeth had better be sleeping tight and sound in my retainers by the 16th hour!  Don't ever take straight teeth for granted - especially when you have already paid the price as a pre-teen having to wear head gears, zig zag patterned rubber banded braces, not to mention shed many a tear as the Dr. Y hammered brackets onto the molars while country music rolled in the background.  What a harrowing experience.  It doesn't help as I recall my mother telling me that I should be grateful as of all her children I was the only one had to go through costly Phase II.  Getting those retainers in is the first step - last Sunday evening I couldn't even get them on my lower set - I may talk funny now but I'd like to prevent myself from looking like a hill billy for a while...

1 comment:

genevieve said...

heh, verify that you're only wearing these retainers at home, right (v. in public)?? :)