Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reflection Upon The First Half of 2010

Being that I have not blogged in ages, I feel a need to post something about the first half of 2010. It has been an intense ride.

Snapple, our beloved rottweiler had to be put to sleep due to his large growth on a hind leg. Taking the day off with my brother to spend the last moments with Snapple was hard. It was a moment of deep introspection for my brother and I. By caring for Snapple in the last year of his life, Nathaniel and I were indeed cultivating a deep bond. Snapple was in a way there to help us become better siblings before the time where we would soon part ways in our respective lives. For that, I am grateful.

I had a chance to attend a friends' wedding and see old friends. Admittedly, I was disappointed in my interaction (lack 0f) with a couple relationships. Yes - yes --- it's life but I was indeed sad. It's true sometimes --- time keeps us distant.

Soon I will be moving to a new location resulting in a longer commute to work. Time to finally sprout wings and fly! Hopefully I will be better about posting my exciting independence to come - no promises.