Sunday, October 25, 2009

Inaugural Flower Share Commenced!

Through the support of 6 other lovely gals, the first flower share commenced yesterday! I was a slight bunch of nerves the night before as I was running around town trying to figure out the most pragmatic vessel to arrange with (solution: ikea beer glass, pack of 6 for $8) and of course I couldn't help but wonder what the next day was to bring.

I went to the Oakland Flower Market at 10, came out with 2 bunches of peachy yellow dahlias, 2 bunches of fiery red cocks comb, 2 bunches of pepperberry, and 1 bunch of peachy spray roses... summing to $47 --- I was so on target! I had initially thought that I was going to make a mostly green and white arrangement but the faded rosy color of the pepperberry led me in another direction.

It could be the season but I feel like next time I would love to give the SF SOMA Flower Market a shot. I have been there once with May in the early afternoon on a Saturday, it was a literal ghost town. The SF SOMA Flower Mart is a crowd of at least half a dozen of flower wholesalers. It is only open to the public past 10AM on Saturdays... The Oakland Market really just seemed to be lacking selection and quality? I guess I am just curious about what's on the other side of the bay.

I did the arranging at May's and came out with 7 of the following arrangements in an 1 hour and 5 minutes. May also made some wonderfully formed and tasty lemon bars. The gals came over and we watched the afternoon slip away...

May's bars!

I was initially disappointed about how empty each vase as the bunches were only took 1/5 space of the vase. While at home, I did use a rubber band to better consolidate the flowers in a huddle. Great results for now!

Monday, October 19, 2009

This Past Weekend...

I was totally sick and remain to be so until the end of the week.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Left Hands Are For Wild Things

I can't clip my right hand finger nails with my left hand, not even with 20 years of experience! You figure I probably began clipping my own nails earliest at age 6...

I really want to watch 'Where the Wild Things Are' on Friday at the Grand Lake Theatre where I hear a someone plays the piano on a stage before the premier movie. Perhaps I can get a drink at the Alley after? I'm shooting for the 7.15 showing. What a great prospective weekend!

Where the Wild Things Are from Yanet Medina on Vimeo.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekend Acquisitions: sartorialist, gothic vase, flowers publication, neo-vintage glasses

This weekend I found out the person behind the blog Sartorialist (Scott Schuman) will be in San Francisco on October 21st, 19.30 at the Paul Smith store doing a book signing of his compilation picture book "The Sartorialist". I rushed over to Border's to pick up the softbound 500 page book with which I fortunately used the 40% Border's 75th anniversary coupon to bring down the cost to $16! Score! I am currently undecided about whether or not to have the book signed in person or simply have phil do my bidding. I am totally foreseeing a huge fashionista crowd - got to dress in black - maybe I'll get a picture with the man?

We also combed 4 "estate" sales (2 in Alameda and 2 in Berkeley), I came out of it with a lethal brass goblet perfect for floral arranging - $2. This is lethal because, you can totally knock someone out with it. The only thing about those "estate" sales posted on Craigslist is chances are high that they may be standard yard, garage sales. 3 of 4 destinations which had claimed estate sales turned out to be yard sales. People were simply purging. I find estate sales to be much more interesting as typically the entire house is open to your exploration and snatching of goods with which you end up bargaining with someone at the front door. This is truly an "end of the world" experience and somber moment as you come to grips with your own mortality. One day my life acquired goods will be sold too...

I also bought a UK bi-monthly flower publication entitled "Wedding Flowers" which I will use as a source for my upcoming premier flower share moment. I already have big plans for October 24th which include rising early and making it over to the SF flower market, picking my flowers, having a quick bite to eat at the little hole in the wall, "Little Skillet", rushing back to Alameda to arrange away (2 hours should do it!) and meeting the girls possibly at the back patio at Julies' coffee and teas.

Alright, I also bought 3 vintage blue glasses for $1 each from the goodwill - not such old glasses as upon inspection each had $2.99 World Market stickers taped to the bottom.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Love Snapple.

Nothing quite brings one to the acknowledgement of one's love for a pet until it gets sick. I can't believe how fortunate we are that Snapple bounced back. His strange puppy and adoring ways are back - I definitely hold each moment dear.

Is it bad that I want to go to the Trappist for a Belgian beer today even though I just went last Sunday?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Interesting, Very Interesting

I've been impatiently waiting on the house at Mad Ave. Speaking of Mad, I'm so smitten by Mad Men. Too bad -- I've wasted the last two weeks watching.

We weren't able to go to Seattle this past weekend. I had spent the money I was suppose to have spent in Seattle earlier last week on Snapple dog bills. $442 just for a check up, blood work and a cytology test. Well, he's back to good health - considering the fact that he didn't ear for the bigger part of last week. I love to see him trot and my mom seems to have grown attached.

We did however go on a mini vaca yesterday. This entailed some Peet's coffee, Indian lunch at Shalimar, a self made tour of the Mission San Jose, used book drive by (Fast Food Nation!), chilling at Alameda's most safe and lush park, grabbing a drink at the Trappist, and a buzzed dinner at Kai's.

At last, I have my first floral gig with some gals! Flower share, Flower Power, Floral Pull...these are all proper names I am brainstorming right now. October 24th, I hope to impress and deliver. Notes to self: more flowers, and go by color.

The arrangement above is made with Dahlias, Gomphrena, and Solidago (total cost $20 for 3 bouquets). I thought I was achieving a sense of monochromatic arrangement -then I though the yellow would act nicely as contrast. Um, I'm not proud of this. I know now that I should have a higher ratio of flowers hence the benefit of the up and coming flower share!