Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Pain Epi

Acme Bread Co's "Pain Epi" is a baguette made to create bliss. The texture is great - I can't explain why I love this bread! I'm just going to have to compose myself next time I eat a whole baguette by myself... I'm also overjoyed to say that there is a location in Mountain View just about a mile from where I reside during the 8-5.

Phil and I were having a cheese date last Friday consisting of: a fuji apple stolen from work, some 'Gloucester' cheese with chives, Double cream brie, Manchego (yes, the beloved cheese), and some Chilean red. Anyhow, the night before I had urged Phil to pick up a baguette from the Ferry building. Not only did I think it nice to have a baguette with the tres cheese but I also considered the image of Phil running down Mission Street to the Transbay bus terminal with baguette in arm pit amusing and adorable. Any how, the story ends there - and Pain Epi and I lived happily ever after...


boobie_ipa said...

it was not in my armpit. and there was a light sprinkle, if you wanna embellish your fairy tale.

genevieve said...

the fairy tale sounds awesome. but i'm confused: is the pan epi a real person, or is he really just bread? hehe. :)

melthemauve said...

its a real bread.